Friday, April 29, 2011

AACL Collection - Great success

A Big Thank you to all Volunteers who helped with the AACL collection on Good Friday. It was wonderful to see how many people appreciate our cause and to receive so many generous donations! We will inform you all soon how much we actually collected once the AACL open the tins from Good Friday.

The money collected will go along way to help rescue many unwanted animals & lend much needed support to the shelters in our area.
Please remember we need your continued support with any donations or animal supplies like food or blankets.

A big thank you again for all the support and donations thus far!!

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

1 comment:

  1. We made R2546.16 on Good Friday - A Big Thank You again to all our volunteers and to everyone who was so kind to donate to such a worthy cause!!
