Friday, June 8, 2012


The Bredasdorp Animal Anti-Cruelty League are planning a 

massive sterilization event...

Please support the Adopt-A-Spay 

FUND every Rand makes a difference if you are able to 

donate R5 or R10 per month you can help us make a 

difference...for more info see pic for banking 


"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You can help provide the loving forever home these pets desperately need...

These animals need your help

Please spread the word and tell all your friends and family & even if you are not in the market for a pet, someone you know may be,and the further and wider this goes – the more chance of homing these sad unwanted pets.


The Animal Anti Cruelty League has over THIRTY adorable pups, of all ages shapes and sizes at it’s Puppy Den. If you would like to give one a loving home, please contact Caryl on 0315649940 or 0793813150.
Description: Description: Description: Description:
                Description: Description: [click to enlarge]


Beth, Lila and Vicky
Description: Description: [click to enlarge]Description: Description: [click to enlarge] Description: Description: [click to enlarge]
, Vicky and Lila are looking for loving homes. STRICT HOME CHECKS APPLY - only available to homes that are in a financial position to vaccinate, de-worm, de-flea and most importantly sterilise at five months old.
Please contact Tracey on 0827867269 or

Beautiful babies for adoption
Description: Description: [click to enlarge]Description: Description: [click to enlarge] Description: Description: [click to enlarge]
Attached are photos of some of the kittens available. Most are aged around 16 - 18 weeks. I have these babies on the South Coast, but we will be making a trip to Dbn later this week - so could always make a plan to meet somewhere if anyone is interested. Many thanks
Renate 0834430432 Description: Description:


URGENT Honey-Loving female kitty
Description: Description: [click to enlarge]Honey - spayed female, about 5 years old. White with ginger. Has lived in a complex with other dogs & cats and grown up with children. Honey's owner is moving into a flat and will take her to the SPCA if no home is found asap.
Contact: Lisa 083 2803914 Or

Lily - Discarded like Rubbish
Description: Description: [click to enlarge]Lilly Needs a Foster or Adopter Urgently. A Message from Cate (her rescuer): My gardener, Reggie, lives in Valley of a Thousand Hills. His neighbour did not want this kitty and said he was going to throw her in the bushes and not feed her. Reggie took it upon himself to rescue the kitty and bring her to me. She had a male kitten a few months back that the neighbours have kept, but they did not want the Mum. She seems to be in good health, a little skinny. She has not been spayed. I am prepared to cover the cost of the spay if someone will adopt her. She is not a feral, but is a little skittish/nervous at the moment (understandably). I would guess she is +-1 year old. Probably not had any shots ect. I have her in my office at home, but cannot keep her because I already have 4 pets and the estate only allows 2; so I am already 2 pets over the limit. If she goes into a long-term foster or into a pro-life rescue then I am happy to provide part of the finances towards her upkeep, but I would ideally like her to be adopted permanently. She has a lovely, gentle disposition and will make someone a lovely pet. I've called her Lilly (as in Lilly of the Valley) because she comes from a Valley of a Thousand Hills. If you need any further info please call me on 082 425 6850. Thanx heaps Cate Description: Description:

Biscuit & Tuxedo
Description: Description: Description: [click
                      to enlarge]Description:
Biscuit Age: 7 Birthday: Roughly January 2004 Sex: Spayed 
female Fur: Wildcat/tabby, Short and soft.
Eyes: Pale yellow Species: Cat Type: Moggy/Wildcat About: Feral, skittish,
but friendly towards known people. Hates dogs,
but will rather run away from them. Very snugly when cold. Very petite. 
Doesn't like her tail or stomach to be touched, Will scratch and bite if annoyed. 
No allergies or medical problems. Found on the side of the road as a 6 month old kitten.
 Can be held for short times. Tuxedo's mother.  Tuxedo is Biscuit’s son. 
Name: Tuxedo Age: 5  Birthday: 12 September 2005 Sex: Neutered male 
Fur: Tuxedo coat. Black and white, Short and soft. Eyes: Yellow/green Species:
 Cat Type: Moggy About: Scared of strangers, but loving when familiar. Skittish.
 Afraid of dogs. Does not scratch unless purposely hurt. 
Loves sleeping on soft blankets and pillows.
Hand raised and handled since birth. Has had all shots.
 Has no allergies or medical problems, may fight with other cats.
 Used to being carried around. 
Please contact Lisa King on 0832803914 or

Description: Description: [click to enlarge]QUEEN BINKY
A fabulously healthy and devoted companion. 
Please call Jim 0782312667 or Lee 0829222568 
if you can assist us in rehoming her.


Description: Description: [click to enlarge]Description:

Beige, blonde, beautiful and classy!
 I am spayed and a very loving girl and would love to find my perfect loving and forever home. Tough, dark and handsome Sam. Male, loving, caring and alert.
 Please call Cheryl 0836359570

URGENT - Gena due to be euthanased
Description: Description: [click to enlarge]

This is one of Karen's dogs due to be euthanased by the SPCA!! 
Gena, was found sitting on the side of the road too tired to walk any further, 
she had a black stocking tied around her neck so tightly I could not fit 
my pinky under it she had no hair and was very hungry,
after eating 3 bowls of food and sleeping for a couple of days she has bounced back 
with a wagging tail. She is a lovely dog and is learning to trust humans again. 
Please contact Karen 082 578 0706 - Home check applies..

Lukha the TerrierX-Durban – also due to be euthanased 
by the SPCA unless a home can be found
Description: Description: [click to enlarge]LUKHA is a medium size X Terrier 
who is about a year and a half old. Has been neutered. 
He was abused so has taken time to humans again. Loves to play and also loves to be inside. 
Please phone Karen on 082-5780706 or Val on 082-8707764/031-4622686

URGENT-Rocky due to be euthanased
Description: Description: [click to enlarge]
This is one of Karen's dogs that the SPCA want to euthanase! 
This beautiful brown eyed boy is a 3 year old mix breed. 
Rocky is great with children and other dogs.
 Please phone Karen on 082-5780706 or Val on 082-8707764/031-4622686
Description: Description: Home4Ever Kitten

If you can help please contact the numbers as shown above under each pet

Thank you


"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Wonderful Winter Wedding

Wedding bells rang out in Struisbaai on Saturday the 25th June at 3pm as Christie & Janine,after 10yrs,finally said their vows.

The beautiful bride,Janine was a vision in her "Bride & Co" wedding dress with a black sash adding a unique touch to her stunning all-white dress.Christie looked handsome & very dapper in his Top hat & was very pleased if not somewhat relieved that their wedding day had finally approached.

Despite the chilly weather,the loving glow from the happy couple warmed the hearts of all who attended their special day(The sherry warmed the rest)

The Reception was filled with Excellent speeches, Laughter, Great Food,Dancing and ultimately the opportunity to just share in the happy couple special day

My wish for the newly weds is that their lives together will be filled with Happiness, Love, Patience, Forgiveness & Friendship 

As they begin this new journey in their lives, may their Love carry them through the dips and give them wings to soar to new heights together.

A Big Congratulations to Mr & Mrs De Beer

Special Thanks to:
The wedding photographer,Laetitia from Pure Light Studio
The caterers, Katrina & Riaan from TMC
The Decor & Flowers, Carin from Carin Events
"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Journey

When you bring a pet into your life, you begin a journey - a journey that will bring you more love and devotion than you have ever known, yet also test your strength and courage. If you allow, the journey will teach you many things, about life, about yourself, and most of all, about love. You will come away changed forever, for one soul cannot touch another without leaving its mark.
Along the way, you will learn much about savoring life's simple pleasures - jumping leaves, snoozing in the sun, the joys of puddles, and even the satisfaction of a good scratch behind the ears. Your house will become muddier and hairier. You will wear less dark clothing and buy more lint rollers. You may find dog biscuits in your pocket or purse, and feel the need to explain that an old plastic shopping bag adorns your living room rug because your cat loves the crinkly sound.
You will learn the true measure of love - the steadfast, undying kind that says, "It doesn't matter where we are or what we do, or how life treats us as long as we are together." Respect this always. It is the most precious gift any living soul can give another. You will not find it often among the human race.
And you will learn humility. The look in my dog's eyes often made me feel ashamed. Such joy and love at my presence. She saw not some flawed human who could be cross and stubborn, moody or rude, but only her wonderful companion. Or maybe she saw those things and dismissed them as mere human foibles, not worth considering, and so chose to love me anyway.
If you pay attention and learn well, when the journey is done, you will be not just a better person, but the person your pet always knew you to be - the one they were proud to call beloved friend.
I must caution you that this journey is not without pain. Like all paths of true love, the pain is part of loving. For as surely as the sun sets, one day your dear animal companion will follow a trail you cannot yet go down. And you will have to find the strength and love to let them go.
A pet's time on earth is far too short - especially for those that love them. We borrow them, really, just for awhile, and during these brief years they are generous enough to give us all their love, every inch of their spirit and heart, until one day there is nothing left.
The cat that only yesterday was a kitten is all too soon old and frail and sleeping in the sun. The young pup of boundless energy wakes up stiff and lame, the muzzle now gray.
Deep down we somehow always knew that this journey would end. We knew that if we gave our hearts they would be broken. But give them we must for it is all they ask in return.
When the time comes, and the road curves ahead to a place we cannot see, we give one final gift and let them run on ahead - young and whole once more. "Godspeed, good friend," we say, until our journey comes full circle and our paths cross again.

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Update on Lucky - The dog that almost never made it

I am filled with such joy to see recent pictures of Lucky looking healthy,settled and happy in her new home.
If you remember my blog awhile back - Lucky was the pup we found in a black bag on the way to a rubbish dump. Lucky ,who had the worst possible start in life, was given a second chance and its quite clear from these pics above that the new owner of Lucky has given this once abandoned pup everything a dog could want. I am sure I speak for all animal lovers when I say the fight against animal cruelty is made more bearable when we see and hear stories like that of Lucky.

Karien,owner of Lucky, we thank you for taking her in and making her part of your family - We could do with more people like you in the world!!

We can only hope & pray we have more success stories like this in the future :)

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tortoise Torture

We as locals in our beautiful town of Struisbaai and Agulhas are very proud of our areas breath taking features, our beautiful beaches, the views, the clean air, the sound of the ocean and our welcoming and friendly neighbors. Why then can we not take care of our animal friends that share this haven with us? Our most well-known is the tortoise, yet it seems some people must need glasses, as they don’t see them in the road.
Is it because you could care less about this little living creature or because you think it a waste of time to slow down because apparently wherever you need to get to in a hurry is far more important than saving a little life? I have been living in this town my whole life and never have I driven over a tortoise, so it is hard for me to understand why I see so many of them dead on our roads. I do understand that sometimes accidents happen and that it could not have been stopped, but I know I am not the only person to have seen the astronomical amount of dead tortoises this summer.
All I ask is to be a bit more aware of them when you are driving and to rather stop and help them out of the road if necessary. Please help keep this amazing little creature alive in our beautiful town. It would be a shame if our holiday makers could not enjoy our beautiful town without any wild life. I will also ad that our pheasants are also struggling with this problem so please be careful when you are driving in our town. Maybe the municipality should put up some boards to make people aware of this as well, so that our visitors can see we are trying to take care of our surroundings.
Let’s all work together and enjoy our town with the wild life it came with!

"A concerned Luv 4 Pets Member"

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

AACL Collection - Great success

A Big Thank you to all Volunteers who helped with the AACL collection on Good Friday. It was wonderful to see how many people appreciate our cause and to receive so many generous donations! We will inform you all soon how much we actually collected once the AACL open the tins from Good Friday.

The money collected will go along way to help rescue many unwanted animals & lend much needed support to the shelters in our area.
Please remember we need your continued support with any donations or animal supplies like food or blankets.

A big thank you again for all the support and donations thus far!!

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Good Deed on Good Friday

We invite all luv 4 pets members & volunteers to help collect money for The AACL at the four way stop near the OK Grocer in Struisbaai on Friday 22nd April 2011. We also will be handing out flyers with information on Luv 4 Pets to spread the word about our plans to help the animals in our community.

We will meet at 9am so c
ome show your support with a donation or any animal supplies you wish to donate like food,blankets & toys etc during the day till 5pm

If you are able to give up an hour or 2 of your time to help volunteer with the collection on Good Friday we would really appreciate your help

Please contact Chantelle 0766720373 


Simone on 076 7852 534

Hope to see many of you there !!

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Friday, April 8, 2011

My tiny cry saved my life...

On Wednesday 23rd March the refuse removal truck was making its rounds collecting the local rubbish & on their way to the Struisbaai dump the workers heard a crying coming from one of the black bags they had collected - when they opened it up they found a tiny little puppy. Some-one had thrown her away in the trash. The little pup was in a bad state, malnourished,full of worms,Flea invested & utterly terrified after a horrible trip in a black bag but against all the odds the little pup survived and is doing very well. She is well on her way to a full recovery thanks to the quick response of all the people involved especially the workers who found her & Marelize Nomdoo who works at the Struisbaai dump who called it in.

I am unable to find the right words to describe the person who could do such a thing to a defenseless little animal - All I can say is that this shocking & disgusting cruelty should not be allowed or tolerated in our area and if anyone has seen or knows how this little pup ended up in the trash could they please contact the AACL on 082 898 0787.

The little throw away pup now known as  Lucky has found a wonderful loving home with Karien from salon Aspella and is being spoilt rotten - I am so happy that little Lucky will live out her days with owners that will show her all the love and care she deserves!

A Big thanks to all who were involved - Marelize Nomdoo ,The Refuse removal workers on duty that day, Linda from Poochy Bubbles,Jannie & Samantha Marais ,The Bredasdorp Vet & also our lovely Luv 4 Pets Members 



"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Luv 4 Pets needs loving forever homes for unwanted animals - you could save the life of an animal today!!

"Don't buy while animals in shelters die"

If you can provide a home for a special 4 legged friend then please contact 
Chantelle on 076 6720 373 or 
Simone on 076 7852 534

If you are able to contribute to our cause or can donate any animal supplies like blankets, bowls, food etc please contact us on the numbers above
We desperately need your help and anything you can give will go a long way to help an animal in need!!

We have over 30 cats & kittens - Adopt a rescue today!!!

Sending love to all my rescued furry friends!!
"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Easter Weekend Fundraiser

Members & Volunteers of Luv 4 Pets will be coming together on the 22nd April 2011 to raise funds & bring awareness of animal cruelty in our area!

We will be standing outside the OK Grocer & 4 way stop in Struisbaai with collection buckets.

Please come along and support our cause!!

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Luv 4 Pets Charity

Luv 4 Pets
Working together with the SPCA to bring about awareness of animal cruelty

Luv 4 Pets Charity Organisation was started last year to promote the awareness of Animal cruelty in our community. 
Over the last few months we have re-homed many rescued puppies and Kittens. Our aim for 2011 is that we will be able to rescue more unwanted & abused animals by giving them loving Forever homes!
Last night Luv 4 Pets had their first meeting for 2011.
We had a few new volunteers join us and hopefully in the coming months Luv 4 Pets will be a well known recognized Charity in our community.
Many topics were discussed and am pleased to announce that quite a few exciting events will be taking place this year - check in later this month to see when & where our events will be happening!

We have began our Pet Christmas drive to collect funds and food which will be handed out on the 23rd December 2011. This will run all year so if you are able to contribute or would like to join on us on the 23rd Dec please contact me on email:
Stay updated on Luv 4 Pets current & future activities on Facebook - together we can make a difference!!
And remember if you notice any abuse or cruelty to animals please report it to an SPCA representative in your area.

!!Lets be the voice for our furry loved ones!!

Please feel free to share any comments,suggestions or advice you may have for Luv 4 Pets Charity.
"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wedded Bliss

A big Congratulations to Tyron & Simone 

After almost 9yrs together they finally tied the knot on the 5th Feb'11 in Struisbaai's Klip Kerk
The wedding day was stunning & all the months of hard work payed off as the venue looked amazing!!

I am so happy for them both and wish them all the best with love and laughter to fill each and every day. 

Love u guys

                                                                   Tyron & Simone
                                                                 Mark  & Donna

We were blessed to have Mark & Donna all the way from the UK attend the special day

(Photo's by 

Hannie Du Plessis)

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Animal Christmas 2010

A time for giving and sharing and what better way than giving the hungry and needy pets in Struisbaai North some food for Christmas.

I want to thank all Santa's little helpers for coming out on the 23rd Dec 2010 to help hand out food and to all those wonderful people that sponsored food to make it all possible.
My heart is filled with such love for those that can help in any small way make the life of an animal a happy one.
We will be starting the food drive early next year for Christmas 2011 so that we have loads more food to hand out - if you are able to contribute please contact me on Facebook in my inbox : Little-Tinkerbell Swart and I can provide you with further details

May you all have a blessed Christmas and a very happy New Year

"Hugs Tiny~Tinks"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Chihuahua Gang of Struisbaai

Peanut - (Son of Black~Jack & Tinkerbell)

Roxy - (Daughter of Black~Jack & Tinkerbell)
*Me* Tinkerbell